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full laziness

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<functional programming> A transformation, described by Wadsworth in 1971, which ensures that subexpressions in a function body which do not depend on the function's arguments are only evaluated once. E.g. each time the function

	f x = x + sqrt 4

is applied, (sqrt 4) will be evaluated. Since (sqrt 4) does not depend on x, we could transform this to:

	f x = x + sqrt4
	sqrt4 = sqrt 4

We have replaced the dynamically created (sqrt 4) with a single shared constant which, in a graph reduction system, will be evaluated the first time it is needed and then updated with its value.

See also fully lazy lambda lifting, let floating.


Nearby terms: full-custom « full-duplex « full-duplex Switched Ethernet « full laziness » full-motion video » full outer join » fully associative cache

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